Bring Honor To God

On Saturday, we begin a new teaching series on Romans 14. This chapter emphasizes the powerful realities of Spiritual Freedom, and Spiritual Maturity in the context of us being a loving, united Body of Christ!

During the Sabbath service you will experience Paul encouraging every Christian to live with genuine authenticity according to their convictions and Biblical understandings.

He calls Christian sisters and brothers to honor God and strengthen the faith community. He warns you (and this is something we all struggle with) to stop judging and criticizing others as these are destructive vices in the body of Christ.

One challenging reality in this passage is that Paul differentiates between primary and secondary doctrine points.

He says, “secondary matters” can be left with the Lord. Rather than making a big point about who was "right" in the matters raises (eg. the freedom to choose our own diet, and our attitude toward observing special days as holy), Paul puts his focus on the process, and how to maintain peace and build each other up in the faith.

Interestingly, Paul describes those with fewer religious inhibitions as the freer and thus the more mature.

We'll see some powerful guiding principles essential for building a healthy, united church. Paul's teaching can be summarized this way:

Be as generous with others, as you want them and God to be with you. After all, they are accountable to God not to you!”

I see in this passage much relevance to our specific context today. It is likely the messages will be a mixture of both comfort and challenge for many of us.

Please join us with courage, an open mind and heart, and the spirit of delight in learning and growth as we more fully participate in the good life of Christ's freedom and rest!

Much love to each one of you,

Pastor Duff


It’s The Glue Holding Together This Church
